Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Belt and suspenders

Here's your head, there's the keyboard, what's your hurry?
Technology being what it is — a fickle hoor with round heels, a substance-abuse problem and the rent 10 days late — this is something of a backstop to WordPress's plans to reconfigure its content-management system on Thursday.

This may throw a hitch into the gitalong over at the usual place.

I'm not hep to the latest jive, but I believe the folks who run a self-hosted WP model have the option of reverting to the original CMS via plug-in. I'm not certain that will work for those of us who suffer from sloth, torpor and and a tendency to pinch the eagle until it screams like a blogger who just had his CMS jerked out from under him.

So look for me here if you can't find me there.

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